2 comments on “deer

  1. Wow, reading this as someone who lives here and has for the last 40 years come Nov….you’re right it’s dead and sad! Hunt Fish or have kids who play sports is about the highlight of this town. Graduates often say “I can’t wait to leave but their parents pray they stay.” Maybe because they are comfortable so they want their kids to be comfortable. Some do leave the day after graduation and within a year they’re right back. Myself I have a good job, self employed but as far a social life, you need to leave town to just about do anything if you’re not a parent of a young child or teenager. But guess I could go get a fishing license. Anyways I won’t be bummed but I will venture out every chance I get as the bigger cities scare this ol” lady lol. (56). It was a pleasure meeting you both at Antonio’s. Maybe venture back when the Rainbow gathering hits. Town will be hopping 😎

    • Good to hear from you Sheryl, and again I apologize for the comments about your hometown, as I mentioned we had a very short stay and if you’re an example of the people there, then there is a lot more to Alturas than we discovered. In a little over 2 hours you can be in either Mt. Shasta City or Lake Almanor, places we found very interesting and happening.

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