by Bob Sparrow
First, I want to thank those who follow us here by subscribing to our blog and especially those who take the time to comment on the subject of the week. Second, I’d like to sincerely thank those who have been following my quest to become Jauntaroo’s first Chief World Explorer, which you know by now has consumed me. It has been an awesome experience, one that has helped me understand what I really want to do when I grow up. OK, I’m never growing up, just growing older.
But I must say, in many cases, it’s been a real challenge to get my peers to ‘Like’ my video. Not that they wouldn’t like it if they saw it, it’s just that they’re . . . how can I put this delicately, social media challenged. Following is a sample of what I mean.
Me: “Were you able to see my video and ‘Like’ it?”
Senior: “Didn’t see it so can’t tell you if I liked it. Where was it?”
Me: “You can pick up the URL on my Facebook page that will take you to the video link”
Senior: “Say what? I don’t have Faceplant”
Senior: “Whatever”
Me: “I also tweeted it on Twitter”
Senior: “You did what?”
Me: “Never mind. What about LinkedIn?”
Senior: “What about him? I thought he was one of our greatest presidents”
Me: “Not Lincoln, LinkedIn. Did you see the blog?”
Senior: “The Blob, wasn’t that a ‘50s science fiction movie?”
Me: No, do you have an iPhone, iPad?”
Senior: “iRefuse”
Me: “Hey, I need your help here, I’m trying to get this thing to go viral”
Senior: “Sorry, don’t they have shots for that now?”
Me: “Yeah, thanks. What about Instagram?”
Senior: “Is that Billy Graham’s sister?”
Me: “Pinterest?”
Senior: “No, I’ve lost interest, mind if I go back to reading my newspaper?”
OK, it’s not quite that bad, but it’s based on true stories. To be fair, there are many of my peers who are very tech savvy, but risking their indignation, I’ve asked those over fifty to pass my ‘voting messages’ on to their children, and in some cases their grandchildren.
Here’s the paradoxical thing about all this – the demographic that is now in their peak earning years or retiring, the Baby Boomers, have the time, interest and wealth to travel, yet it is the group that seems antidotally at least, the hardest to reach electronically. The percentage of those 50 and older who get most of their news from the Internet drops significantly from the younger-than-50 group and the numbers for the 65+ group drop even more dramatically. So, how does a relatively new travel company like Jauntaroo get the attention of this critical demographic? I have some ideas, but they’re going to have to hire me in order to hear them.
If you’re reading this, you’re clearly not the people I’m talking about above, so as Jack Kennedy’s presidential campaign manager in Chicago said, “Vote early and vote often”.
Thank you