The Dash Watson family is saddened to report that Dash left this world and reported to Rainbow Bridge in the early morning hours of December 5, 2024. He died peacefully, in his mom’s arms, wrapped in his favorite blanket that she knit for him.

Dash was born on November 16, 2012, in Scottsdale, Arizona, part of a litter of five boys. His official AKC name was Spice Rack Divine Dash but later earned the nickname “The Wonder Dog”. He was adopted by Alan and Suzanne Watson on February 3, 2013, which also happened to be Super Bowl Sunday, with the 49ers playing the Baltimore Ravens. To commemorate the special day, Dash was outfitted with a 49er collar. It didn’t matter – the 49ers lost. The fact that Suzanne, a life-long Niner fan, let that roll off her back offered a glimpse into how much Dash would change their priorities and their lives.
Dash was educated at PetSmart (he said it was the Harvard of dog training) and received his degree in Canine Good Citizen. He promptly leveraged his education by going to work for Pets on Wheels in Scottsdale where his chief assignment was to visit the Care Center at Vi Silverstone each week. He was roundly loved by all who encountered him, from former TV host Hugh Downs to a WWII veteran who looked forward to snuggles with Dash, while recounting his 50+ missions over Europe. Dash’s bag of tricks included his ability to twist, turn, lie down and give paw. His routine brought smiles and delight to the residents, who never tired of seeing his act, no matter how repetitive it was. After three years of work Dash decided to take early retirement.

In retirement Dash loved to accompany his parents everywhere, from Sunday brunches at their favorite restaurant to long car drives to Sun Valley, Idaho and Mammoth Lakes, California. He particularly enjoyed Sun Valley, where he charmed everyone he met and remembered from year to year which stores offered dog treats. Dash’s hobbies included sleeping, eating, begging for treats, and looking cute. His true passion was lying on the couch. Alan, who resisted getting a dog for 25 years, was smitten with Dash from Day One. He loved having a buddy to keep him company, insisted on being the one to feed him, and against all previous promises and agreements, brought him into bed each night. You could always find Dash and Alan on the couch, sitting hip to hip. This ability to turn Alan into mush is what gained Dash his nickname of “The Wonder Dog”.

Later in life Dash’s main job was taking care of Suzanne. In part this entailed pouncing on her at the crack of dawn each day and giving her face a good licking. Not an easy job, but he was up to the task. He tolerated it when she nestled into his fur each night at bedtime to regale him with a recap of their day together. He was always a true and loyal companion and brightened her life in immeasurable ways. He lived up to the reputation of Cavaliers being the “comfort Spaniels” over this past year.

In the end, he was struck down by heart disease and cancer. Even a “wonder dog” couldn’t overcome these two diseases. He was predeceased by his father, Alan. It is now strongly believed they are sitting together on a couch, hip-to-hip, with Alan once again explaining the finer points of hockey to Dash. He is survived by his devastated mom, Suzanne, but will always be curled up in a corner of her heart.
Contributions in Dash’s name should be made to your dog of choice in the form of A-level treats, extra belly rubs, unlimited toys and quiet moments enjoying the best company known to man.
Rest in Peace, Dash the Wonder Dog. You were truly the best boy.